Tools & Resources

Tools and Resources for your side hustle or creating a passive income

Google Alerts

Google Alerts is a content change detection and notification service, offered by Google. The service sends emails to the user when it finds new results—such as web pages, newspaper articles, blogs, or scientific research—that match the user’s search Google Alerts


Triberr: Content Marketing Suite for Influencers and BloggersTriberr is a marketing suite that helps bloggers and small businesses amplify their content, build online communities, and promote content all in one place. We’re …AnalyticsTriberr is a marketing suite that helps bloggers…


Your all-in-one content marketing tool Search – Discover – Create – Collaborate Use our Content Analyzer to research over 9bn articles on the web. Find the best performing content, identify influencers and supercharge your content strategy today. Buzzsumo

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